OFFICIAL OPENING I SATURDAY the 15th of MARCH, 6pm till 8pm



Artist Bio

Born and raised in Newcastle, NSW, Bel is a self-taught artist, having begun her practice in 2015. 

She started to paint to soothe the mental strain of becoming unwell physically throughout her 20’s. For a time painting had been something to help an unwell woman heal, but soon became a great love of hers and something she simply didn’t want to put down once well again. With a commitment to her craft and a connection to the land, Bel is drawn to the natural ochres and pigments that are native to the Australian earth. 

There is a layering of what she sees and remembers that is interspersed with what she paints. Mixed in, the imagined and dreamt of all combined to create these captivating and unique landscapes.

Artist Statement- 'WONDERMENT'

I consider myself to be someone with a vast imagination…

but this - the growing of a baby girl; the Motherhood… 

I find myself in utter awe, 

filled with WONDER at the sight of her, let alone before, how she felt drumming inside of me.

How she grows and babbles, reaching out to me, mama. 

This feeling, this belonging is like no other. 

The strength of me - to continue in sacrificing my body with all my might.

I could have never imagined it would be anything like this.

I thought I could fathom what it would be like to meet her,

to hold her,

to show her all creation, 

and now, here, 

at a loss for words at the best of times. 

What do I show her first; teach her first… 

I watch her WONDER igniting with everything she sees, touches and tastes. 

The delight in her eyes with every new accomplishment she makes.

Something new has come out of me…

I thought I was in awe of life before now. 

I thought I was entered into, 

remaining present, 

knowing joy and finding beauty in everything… 

but this new person born from me is changing me, 

is growing this WONDERMENT in me, 

by her WONDERMENT and by her being. 

Thank you Esther, for this new depth of WONDER. 

The work is freer, it’s contained by time restraint but this has given me no time to overthink. 

It has given me just enough time and thought to enjoy the practice, 

the colour, and how it has developed…

It’s brighter; more playful…

and the story in each piece.